100 SQL(Structured Query Language) Commands
- SELECT - retrieves data from a database
- INSERT - inserts new data into a database
- UPDATE - updates existing data in a database
- DELETE - deletes data from a database
- CREATE DATABASE - creates a new database
- CREATE TABLE - creates a new table in a database
- ALTER TABLE - modifies an existing table structure
- DROP TABLE - deletes a table from a database
- TRUNCATE TABLE - removes all records from a table
- CREATE INDEX - creates an index on a table
- DROP INDEX - deletes an index from a table
- JOIN - combines rows from two or more tables based on a related column
- INNER JOIN - returns rows when there is a match in both tables
- LEFT JOIN - returns all rows from the left table, and the matched rows from the right table
- RIGHT JOIN - returns all rows from the right table, and the matched rows from the left table
- FULL JOIN - returns rows when there is a match in one of the tables
- UNION - combines the results of two or more SELECT statements
- UNION ALL - combines the results of two or more SELECT statements, including duplicates
- GROUP BY - groups rows that have the same values into summary rows
- HAVING - filters records based on a specified condition
- ORDER BY - sorts the result set in ascending or descending order
- COUNT - returns the number of rows that satisfy the condition
- SUM - calculates the sum of a set of values
- AVG - calculates the average of a set of values
- MIN - returns the smallest value in a set of values
- MAX - returns the largest value in a set of values
- DISTINCT - selects unique values from a column
- WHERE - filters records based on specified conditions
- AND - combines multiple conditions in a WHERE clause
- OR - specifies multiple alternative conditions in a WHERE clause
- NOT - negates a condition in a WHERE clause
- BETWEEN - selects values within a specified range
- IN - specifies multiple values for a column
- LIKE - selects rows that match a specified pattern
- IS NULL - checks for NULL values in a column
- IS NOT NULL - checks for non-NULL values in a column
- EXISTS - tests for the existence of any record in a subquery
- CASE - performs conditional logic in SQL statements
- WHEN - specifies conditions in a CASE statement
- THEN - specifies the result if a condition is true in a CASE statement
- ELSE - specifies the result if no condition is true in a CASE statement
- END - ends the CASE statement
- PRIMARY KEY - uniquely identifies each record in a table
- FOREIGN KEY - establishes a relationship between tables
- CONSTRAINT - enforces rules for data in a table
- DEFAULT - specifies a default value for a column
- NOT NULL - ensures that a column cannot contain NULL values
- UNIQUE - ensures that all values in a column are unique
- CHECK - enforces a condition on the values in a column
- CASCADE - automatically performs a specified action on related records
- SET NULL - sets the value of foreign key columns to NULL when a referenced record is deleted
- SET DEFAULT - sets the value of foreign key columns to their default value when a referenced record is deleted
- NO ACTION - specifies that no action should be taken on related records when a referenced record is deleted
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